About The Cave

The cave is thought to be between 120,000 and 180,000 years old. Situated about 30km south of Mombasa and 200 meters back from the high water mark, it is comprised of a series of interlocking chambers at the depth of up to 10 metres below ground level. It is part of a vast cave complex reputed to penetrate miles inland, as far as the original shoreline.
All is exactly as it was discovered except the chambers housing the kitchen and lavatories which had to be modified for functionality. In the restaurant only the stone have been added alongside furniture, fittings and lighting. The natural holes in the roof crust are open to the sky, protected in bad weather with sliding covers.
It is thought that the cave owes its origin to subterranean solution beneath the water table that was subsequently breached and then modified dramatic changes in sea level, tidal wave action and engulfment of surface streams.